1. | Inepo soto’ita mesapo mana | |||
inepo | soto’i-ta | mesa-po | mana | |
1SG.SUBJ | pot-ACC | table-LOC | put | |
I am putting the pot on the table. |
2. | Huan mansanata bwa’e. | ||
Huan | mansana-ta | bwa’e | |
Juan | apple-ACC | eat | |
Juan is eating an apple. |
3. | Huan Mariata ivaktak. | ||
Huan | Maria-ta | ivakta-k | |
Juan | Maria-ACC | hug-PFV | |
Juan hugged Maria. |
4. | Empo tomita etbwa. | ||
empo | tomi-ta | etbwa | |
2SG.SUBJ | money-ACC | steal-PFV | |
You are stealing money. |
5. | Inepo tomita essok. | ||
inepo | tomi-ta | etbwa | |
1SG.SUBJ | money-ACC | hide-PFV | |
I hid the money. |
6. | Kat soto’ita kutae veva! | |||
kat | soto’ita | kutae | veva | |
NEG | pot-ACC | stick-INSTR | hit | |
Do not hit the pot with the stick! |
7. | Nim hi’are Alma tea. | |||
nim | hi’are | Alma | tea | |
1SG.POS | girlfriend | Alma | be_called | |
My girlfriend’s name is Alma. |